Kamis, 28 Maret 2013

increasing addition of public transportation

equally important is the government for the improvement of the highway with the addition of improved public transportation, but at the current lack of public transport overcrowding willing to pursue a profit either left or pulangjadi government should have added more improved public transportation such as buses, trains underground because untu reduce congestion very solid on the road.

consequently the lack of transport to public transport, people must be willing to jostle to ride public transportation are limited and may also cause a threat to him, when we were very full up transport ourselves into a bit threatened by common crimes or crimes such as pickpocketing, theft and other more. https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS02LgW2lbQHRwe7rNunOt-mnafMttK1LnWGPgMRWGwnQXoVF-j

so the government should immediately increase the public transport subway is in progress and lainnya.agar bus can reduce traffic jams raya.karena not everyone bring the vehicle when transport is membanyak transportation, surely some will use underground kreta transportation that will not got stuck and was not tired in the appeal brought his own vehicle.

Fara Fathia
22210604 /3EB03

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